I have over 40 years of experience as a Mining Claim and O&G Landman. Services I offer include Mining Claim Title reports, BLM, county, and field research and mapping of existing patented and unpatented mining claims; all detailed below.
We stake unpatented mining claims. The staking work usually includes preparation of Location Notices, Location Certificates, and the maps required for BLM and county filing. If claims are to be located on Stock Raising Homestead Act Lands we can prepare the required “Notice of Intent to Locate” (NOITL).
Many mining companies and small prospector’s do not have the skills and computer software needed to prepare the claim maps required by State and Federal Mining statutes and regulations. I can prepared AutoCad maps for filing with the appropriate agencies, prepare Location Certificates, stake the mining claims, and also prepare amended maps and certificates as necessary.
Patented and unpatented mining claims are often acquired by investors. Due diligence requires that the acquired claims are located where they are represented to be, and in the case of unpatented claims, that the claims have been properly located. I can provide mapping services, along with a Title Report as needed, showing the positions of claim monuments as found in the field, plotted on land-status maps or topographic maps, or on aerial imagery. Other features such as roads, drill holes, etc., can also be mapped.
To mine sell, build on, or even visit a patented claim, you need to know where it is located. Many claim-owners do not know even the approximate location of their claim. I can gather and provide the historical documentation, such as the Mineral Survey Plat, the Mineral Survey Field Notes, and the actual Patent documents. Then based on survey ties shown on those documents, I can digitally plot the claims on a color USGS topographic map, and/or on aerial imagery (an aerial photo). Along with the claim maps I can provide in digital format:
- The Patent document
- The Mineral Survey Plat of the claim
- The Mineral Survey Field Notes
- The Bureau of Land Management Master Title Plat
- The Bureau of Land Management Historical Index page
- The General Land Office or Bureau of Land Management Mining District Sheet. a/k/a the Connecting Sheet.
- The General Land Office or Bureau of Land Management township survey plat
- The BLM Survey Plat detail Sheet.
Note that all of the documents above may not be available online. Digital transmittal of the documents is preferred, but paper copies can be provided.
With the map alone you will know the approximate location of your claim. The map will be based on the best available documentation: generally the Mineral Survey Plat, the Patent document, or the Mineral Survey Field Notes. Alternatively you may already have a recent survey of your claim. Based on that survey I can create an attractive and accurate map of your claim on a USGS topographical base and/or over aerial imagery.
Property owners and realtors often do not have a detailed property map. An accurate map on a 7.5′ topographic base can be plotted, based on an accurate legal description of the property. Other information can be added to the map at the owner or realtor’s discretion.
A Mining Claim or Real Estate map that I provide is not a survey, and will be based only on the official documents of record noted above, and/or GPS field mapping. My mapping services are an economical alternative to an actual “survey” by a Professional Land Surveyor.