Sellers and Real Estate Brokers of ranch and farm lands often lack presentation-quality maps of their properties or listings. We create clear and precise property maps, and will also map, with GPS, actual features on the ground if required. Both landowners and realtors find that our maps greatly increase the marketability of their land.
The examples below are of a 14,000 and 400 acre ranches in Western Colorado. (Note that these properties are used as examples only, and are not for sale)
Click the link below for an example a Google Map of the Ranch Lands, but be sure to use the back arrow on your browser to return to this website. If you select the X (Close Button) while in Google Maps, you will not be returned to this website.
Unaweep Ranch Lands Google Maps example.
Examples of Detailed Property Maps
Examples of Aerial Imagery. The base is recent NAIP Imagery. (National Agricultural Imagery Program)
Examples of Land Status Maps. The base map is USGS 7.5′ topographic map.
Examples of Location Maps.
Example of a patented mining claim map. As with the other Real Estate examples shown above, NAIP Imagery, Land Status, and Location maps are also available, however mining maps often require considerable research and drafting time, so are created at an hourly rate. The base map is a 7.5′ topographic map.
Real Estate Mapping Prices, and Delivery Information.
Real Estate Maps – 80.00/hr, plus expenses.
Other Products
Mining Claim Maps – $80.00/hr, plus expenses.
**Maps of large holdings or with complex legal descriptions will be billed at $80.00/hr.
Google Earth or Google Map links for your website can be created for $80.00/hr.
Maps will be delivered via email or FTP as PDF or JPG maps. You may print the maps for distribution, put the maps on your website, or email them to buyers. We can print and mail map-copies at a cost of $80.00/hr plus postage and plus the cost of any special paper or media required. Oversized prints are also available.
Generally all we need to proceed is a work order form, and a precise legal description of the property.
Or email via the “CONTACT US” page.
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